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동사편 - 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사 & 타동사

by Arya33 2019. 8. 7.


영어 문법 공부 시간입니다. 이번 포스팅은 동사에서도 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사와 타동사를 구별해 보도록 하겠습니다. 혼동하기 쉬운 동사들 구분하기 힘드셨죠? 예문을 보면서 그 의미를 바르게 알고 활용하시기 바랍니다. 

자동사란 목적어가 없는 동사, 타동사란 목적어를 수반하는 동사를 일컫습니다.  즉 목적어를 써야 하는지 쓰지 말아야 하는지로 구분하시면 좀 더 쉬울겁니다.

자 그럼 이제 자타동사 구별 공부를 시작 해 볼까요?


동사편 - 혼동하기 쉬운 자동사 & 타동사



(1) lie/lay

lie - lay - lain : (vi)「눕다, 놓여 있다」 
lay - laid - laid : (vt)「눕히다, 놓다」 
lie - lied - lied : (vi)「거짓말하다」
He lay on the bed and fell asleep. 
He laid the book on the desk. 
He lied to the boss and was fired. 

lay an egg :「알을 낳다」 
lay the foundation :「기초를 세우다」
lay emphasis on :「~에 중점을 두다, 강조하다」

 (2) rise/raise/arise 

rise - rose - risen : (vi)「오르다, 올라가다」 
raise - raised - raised : (vt)「올리다」 
arise - arose - arisen : (vi)「(사건․사고 등이) 발생하다」
arouse -aroused - aroused :(vt)발생시키다 
The sun rises in the east. 
He raised his right hand. 
Accidents arise from carelessness. 

raise a question/an objection :「문제/이의를 제기하다」 

(3) sit/set/seat 

sit - sat - sat : (vi)「앉다」 
seat - seated - seated : (vt)「앉히다」 
set - set - set : (vt)「놓다」 
He sat on the chair. 
Please seat yourself on the chair. 
= Please be seated on the chair. 
He set it on the table. 

(4) fall/fell 

fall - fell - fallen : (vi)「떨어지다」 
fell - felled - felled : (vt)「쓰러뜨리다」 

Prices are falling. 
The woodman felled the tree. 

(5) find/found 

find - found - found :「발견하다」 
found - founded - founded :「설립[창설]하다, 기초를 세우다」 

I found a dollar on the floor. 
They collected funds and founded a school. 

(6) hang 

hang - hung - hung :「걸다, 매달다」 
hang - hanged - hanged :「교수형에 처하다」 

I hung a lamp from the ceiling. 
The man was hanged for murder. 

(7) affect/effect affect :「영향을 미치다」

(= influence) effect :「초래하다, 일으키다」(= cause) 
Cares affect the health. 
Their efforts effected a change. 

▶ effect는 명사일 때「영향」의 뜻으로 쓰인다. 
Cares have an effect on health. 

(8) talk/speak/say/tell 
ⅰ) talk/speak 
(V1) talk/speak of[about, to, with] 
May I talk/speak to Mr. Kim? 
(V3) speak + 언어 
He speaks English fluently. 

ⅱ) say  
(V3) say + O say + that S + V 
He said something to her. 
He said that she was a liar. 

▶ My watch says two o'clock. <내 시계는 2시를 가리키고 있다.>

 ⅲ) tell  
(V3) tell + O tell + O + of/about 
He told a lie/the truth/a joke. 
We will tell him of/about the news.
(V4) tell + IO + DO tell + O + that S + V 
He told me the truth. 
He told me that he was coming. 
(V5) tell + O + to V :「명령하다」 
He told me to do that.

(9) wind / wound
wind - wound - wound   [ 감다 ] 
wound - wounded - wounded  [ 상하게 하다 ] 

The scarf [ wound / wounded ] around you neck is beautiful. 
She was seriously [ wound / wounded ] in an automobile accident yesterday. 


(10) bind/ bound
bind - bound - bound   [ 묶다 ] 
bound - bounded - bounded  [ 튀어오르다, 되튀다 ] 

He [ bound / bounded ] the thief firmly hand and foot 
The ball [ bound / bounded ] back from the wall. 

 (11) grind / ground     
grind - ground - ground           [ 갈다 ] 
ground - grounded - grounded  [ 근거를 두다 ] 

Some people [ ground / grounded ] their teeth at night in their sleep 
His views are [ ground / grounded ] on facts 

(12) sew / sow / saw     
sew - sewed - sewed         [ 바느질하다 ] 
sow - sowed - sowed         [ 씨 뿌리다 ] 
saw - sawed - sawed          [ 톱질하다 ] 

He found a dead tree and [ sewed / sawed ] it down. 
You have to reap what you [ sowed/ sew ]. 
It's impossible to [ saw / sew ] if there are knots in the thread 


이 글이  도움이 되었다면 좋아요♥ 과 댓글 남겨주세요. 로그인 없이 가능합니다.^^
