토플 숙어1 Basic Idioms & Phrasal Verbs 1 - 50 1. An honorable man always abides by his promises. (존경할 만한 사람은 항상 자신의 약속을 지킨다.) abides by one's promises : 약속을 지키다 = keep one's promise = be as good as one's promise = be faithful to one's promise ․He is a man of his promise. (그는 약속을 잘 지키는 사람이다) 2. Attend to your business above all things. (무엇보다도 너의 업무에 힘써라.) ․above all = first of all = in the first place : 무엇보다도 = to begin[start] with = more th.. 2020. 1. 6. 이전 1 다음