3. 시제일치
시제일치란 주절과 종속절의 시제를 상식적으로 이해가 되도록 사용해야 한다는 뜻입니다. 주절의 시제가 현재일 경우에는 종속절에 어느 시제가 와도 관계없지만 주절의 시제가 과거이면 종속절의 시제는 이치상 과거 혹은 과거완료여야 합니다.
(1) 종속절이 명사절인 경우
① 주어자리
* Whether she came or not wasn't important.
* Why she had been late didn't matter to her teacher.
② 목적어자리
* He was very proud of that he had the most expensive car in his company.
* I knew why she had gone to Canada.
* She said that she would get married to Mr. Kim.
③ 주격보어자리
* The most important thing was how the employees knew the secret of the company.
* What I needed to know was whether she had met my mother or not.
(2) 종속절이 형용사절인 경우
① 관계대명사절
* I couldn't believe the boy that always lied to everybody.
* Did you see the lion which had escaped from the zoo?
② 관계부사절
* She didn't find the place where the book was.
* Tom went to the house where he had lived in his childhood.
<!> Jack visited the school where he taught English to students before.(X) => had taught
(3) 종속절이 부사절인 경우
① 시간 부사절
주절이 미래시제일 경우에 시간 부사절은 현재형으로 미래시제를 대신하기 때문에 시제일치의 예외가 됩니다. 하지만 주절이 과거형일 경우에는 원칙상 시제일치를 해야 합니다. 단, 접속사가 시간의 전후관계가 아주 가까울 때, 또한 전후관계를 명확히 해주는 after나 before가 사용될 경우에는 대과거 대신 과거형을 사용할 수 있습니다.
주절이 미래시제일 경우
* Will you wait here until the plane takes off?
주절이 과거시제일 경우
* When my mom came back, I was watching TV.
* After he had finished(= finished) his job, he helped his friend.
② 조건 부사절
조건 부사절이 있는 문장은 미래의 상황을 추측하는 문장이므로 주절이 미래시제가 됩니다. 하지만 종속절에서는 현재형으로 미래시제를 대신하며, 특히 if절은 가정법의 규칙을 따르므로 현재나 과거의 상황을 가정할 때에도 시제일치의 예외가 됩니다.
미래상황의 가정(조건문)
* If you don't stop eating, you will get fat.
* Whether it rains or not, I will go camping.
* Unless you have a passport, you can't travel abroad.
현재 상황의 가정(가정법 과거)
* If I had a lot of money, I could help my mom.
과거 상황의 가정(가정법 과거완료)
* If I had studied harder, I could have passed the exam.
③ 기타 부사절
시간, 조건부사절 외의 기타 부사절은 반드시 시제일치를 해줘야 합니다.
* As she will come home this evening, I'll prepare a great dinner. - 이유
* Since he had met the woman before, he recognized her at once. - 이유
* I didn't get good marks on the test, though I had studied hard. - 양보
* Whatever he had wanted to be, he had to take the job. - 복합관계사절
* I was so tired that I couldn't walk anymore. - 결과
* He ran to the bus stop so that he could catch the bus. - 목적
<!> She ran so far from her house that she can't go back home on foot.(X) => couldn't
(4) 시제일치의 예외
① 시간, 조건 부사절
시간, 조건 부사절에서는 현재형으로 미래를 대신합니다.
* As soon as he comes back, I'll blow up his house.
* If you need my help, I'll come back to you.
② 가정법
※ 8장 가정법을 마친 후에 다시 한 번 보시기 바랍니다.
가정법은 가정법 시제를 따라야 합니다.
현재상황의 가정(가정법 과거)
* If the patient had surgery, she probably could survive.
과거상황의 가정(가정법 과거완료)
* If they had been educated, they would have had the same advantages.
I wish + 가정법 과거 / 과거완료 : ~하기를 기대하다
ⓐ 주절과 같은 시점의 일 기대
* I wish he took a little better care of himself.
* I wished he took a little better care of himself.
ⓑ 주절보다 이전 시점의 일 기대
* I wish she had studied harder in her school.
* I wished she had studied harder in her school.
as if + 가정법 과거 / 과거완료 : 마치 ~인 것처럼
ⓐ 주절과 같은 시점의 상황 가정
* He always acts as if he were a great politician.
* He always acted as if he were a great politician.
ⓑ 주절보다 이전 시점의 상황 가정
* He treats me as if I had stolen the car.
* He treated me as if I had stolen the car.
③ 역사적 사실
역사적 사실은 항상 과거형만 사용합니다.
* The children didn't know that the Korean war broke out in 1950.
<!> Jane didn't know the fact that Columbus had discovered America.(X) => discovered
④ 불변의 진리 와 속담
불변의 진리는 항상 현재형만 사용합니다.
* She said that the earth moves round the sun.
⑤ 현재까지 이어지는 습관, 사실
현재까지 계속되고 있는 습관이나 사실 등은 현재형을 사용합니다.
* She told me that she always wakes up at 6 o'clock every morning.
* I didn't know that the school doesn't have any class on Friday.
⑥ 현재에도 실현되지 않은 과거 시점에서의 계획이나 추측
과거 시점보다 미래의 일이 종속절에 올 때 현재 시점에서 아직 그 일이 이루어지지 않았다는 것을 안다면 미래조동사의 현재형을 사용할 수 있습니다.
* It was decided that the building would be opened before October.
=> 10월 전에 오픈하기로 결정되었다는 사실만을 전달하고 있습니다. 현재, 건물이 오픈 했는지 하지 않았는지는 알 수 없습니다.
* It was decided that the building will be opened before October.
=> 10월 전에 오픈하기로 결정되었다는 사실을 전달하지만, 아직 10월이 되지 않았으며, 현재, 건물이 아직 오픈을 하지 않았다는 정보를 알고 있는 상황입니다.
4. 준동사의 시제
준동사는 동사의 성질을 가지고 있기 때문에 당연히 그 동사의 행위 시점이 있을 겁니다. 그 행위의 시점이 본동사(문장에서의 동사자리)의 시점과 같은지 아니면 이전인지만 구분해주는 것이 준동사의 시제입니다.
(1) to부정사
① 단순 시제
to부정사의 행위 시점이 본동사의 시점과 같거나 그보다 이후이면 단순 시제를 쓰는데 3장에 나오는 to부정사들은 모두 단순 시제입니다.
본동사와 시점이 같을 때
* She seems to study hard.
= It seems that she studies hard.
* She seemed to study hard.
= It seemed that she studied hard.
* He pretends to be studying.
* He pretended to be studying.
본동사보다 이후의 시점일 때
* I want to study hard.
* I wanted to study hard.
* We need something to drink.
* We needed something to drink.
② 완료시제
완료 시제는 to부정사의 행위 시점이 본동사보다 이전일 때 사용합니다.
* He seems to have studied hard yesterday.
= It seems that he studied hard yesterday.
* He seemed to have studied hard the day before.
= It seemed that he had studied hard the day before.
* I'm sorry to have been absent last week.
= I'm sorry that I was absent last week.
* I was sorry to have been absent the week before.
= I was sorry that I had been absent the week before.
<!> He expected us to have studied harder.(X) => to study
(2) 동명사
① 단순 시제
동명사의 행위 시점이 본동사의 시점과 같거나 그보다 이후이면 단순 시제를 쓰는데 3장에 나오는 동명사들은 모두 단순 시제입니다.
본동사와 시점이 같을 때
* I'm sure of his being honest.
= I'm sure that he is honest.
* I was sure of his being honest.
= I was sure that he was honest.
* Making money for living is the most important thing to me now.
* Making money for living was the most important thing to me then.
본동사보다 이후의 시점일 때
* I'm sure of passing the interview.
= I'm sure that I will pass the interview.
* I was sure of passing the interview.
= I was sure that I would pass the interview.
② 완료 시제
완료 시제는 동명사의 행위 시점이 본동사보다 이전일 때 사용합니다.
* John is proud of having won the game.
= John is proud that he won the game.
* John was proud of having won the game.
= John was proud that he had won the game.
* She is ashamed of having done such a thing.
= She is ashamed that she did such a thing.
* She was ashamed of having done such a thing.
= She was ashamed that she had done such a thing.
* Having done such an ugly thing makes her ashamed.
* Having done such an ugly thing made her ashamed.
<!> Having visited Africa was her only wish.(X) => Visiting
③ 단순 시제로 완료 시제를 대체하는 경우
‘remember, forget, regret’ 등은 단순 시제의 동명사를 목적어로 취하더라도 완료 시제처럼 본동사보다 이전 시점으로 해석합니다.
* I remember sending(= having sent) him an e-mail the other day.
= I remember that I sent him an e-mail the other day.
* I remembered sending(= having sent) him an e-mail before.
= I remembered that I had sent him an e-mail before.
* I forgot meeting(= having met) her last summer.
= I forgot that I had met her last summer.
* I regret ignoring(= having ignored) her on that cold winter morning.
= I regret that I ignored her on that cold winter morning.
(3) 분사
분사의 시제는 현재분사가 부사로서 사용되는 분사구문만을 살펴보면 됩니다. 왜냐하면 형용사로서 현재분사는 거의 단순시제만 사용되며, 과거분사는 시제라기보다 수동태를 의미하기 때문입니다.
① 단순 시제
현재분사의 행위 시점이 본동사의 시점과 같을 때 단순 시제를 쓰는데 3장에 나오는 분사구문들은 모두 단순 시제입니다.
* When preparing for an exam, try to do your best.
= When you prepare for an exam, try to do your best.
* Being poor, he was always proud.
= Though he was poor, he was always proud.
② 완료 시제
완료 시제는 현재분사의 행위 시점이 본동사보다 이전일 때 사용합니다.
* Having lost the money, I can't buy the CD.
= Because I lost the money, I can't buy the CD.
* Having lost the money, I couldn't buy the CD.
= Because I had lost the money, I couldn't buy the CD.
* Having studied hard, I can solve all the questions.
= As I studied hard, I can solve all the questions.
* Having studied hard, I could solve all the questions.
= As I had studied hard, I could solve all the questions.
<!> Meeting her before, I could recognize her at once.(X) => Having met
(4) 완료시제의 수동태
준동사가 완료시제일 때 수동태가 되면 다소 복잡한 문장이 만들어지는데 이를 이해하려면 준동사, 시제, 수동태의 개념을 모두 포괄적으로 알고 있어야 하므로 시험에서 가장 선호하는 부분이며 그것이 매년 출제되는 이유입니다.
① to부정사
* He seems to have been brought to Italy at an early age.
= It seems that he was brought to Italy at an early age.
* He seemed to have been brought to Italy at an early age.
= It seemed that he had been brought to Italy at an early age.
② 동명사
* They are ignorant of having been overheard by somebody.
= They are ignorant that they were overheard by somebody.
* They were ignorant of having been overheard by somebody.
= They were ignorant that they had been overheard by somebody.
③ 분사
분사구문에서는 be동사가 생략될 수 있으므로 완료시제 수동태는 과거분사만 남아있을 수 있습니다. 따라서 과거분사만 있는 분사구문은 단순 시제와 완료 시제 두 가지 모두로 해석할 수 있습니다.
* Having been built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.(○)
* Built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.(○)
* Being built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.(X)
= Though it was built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.
* Having been built in the 12th century, the tower was still in good condition.(○)
* Built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.(○)
* Being built in the 12th century, the tower is still in good condition.(X)
= Though it had been built in the 12th century, the tower was still in good condition.
<!> Being painted in white two years ago, the house looks pretty dirty.(X)
=> Having been painted 또는 Painted
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